Showing posts with label missile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label missile. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Theresa May under pressure over Trident missile test

Theresa May is coming under pressure to say whether she knew about a reported misfire of the UK's nuclear weapons system before a crucial Commons vote.

The Sunday Times says the missile veered off course during a test in June last year - weeks before the Commons voted to spend £40bn renewing Trident.

Questioned by Andrew Marr, the PM refused to say four times if she had known about the test ahead of the vote.
The SNP's Nicola Sturgeon called for a "full disclosure" of what happened.

According to the Sunday Times, an unarmed Trident II D5 missile veered off in the wrong direction towards the US - instead of towards Africa - when it was launched from a British submarine off the coast of Florida.

In July - days after Mrs May had become prime minister - MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of replacing Trident.

During the debate, Mrs May told MPs it would be "an act of gross irresponsibility" for the UK to abandon its nuclear weapons.
MPs backed its renewal by 472 votes to 117. However, all 52 SNP MPs voted against it - as did Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
